You’re Time To Shine Is Just A Couple Of Weeks Away!
If singing in the shower or belting out a song in your vehicle is your thing, then you better get ready for this year's Missouri State Fair!
According to the folks at the fair:
The Missouri State Fair Homegrown Singer Contest is something fairgoers won’t want to miss! Sponsored by Bimbo Bakeries and located in the Budweiser Tent, the live singing competition brings loads of fun family entertainment. Singers from all over the state will compete in this exciting vocal talent event. Auditions are currently being accepted through July 19.
While at the Fair, stop by and listen to all of the talented individuals who are in competition for the grand prize of $500 and a chance to sing at the 2020 Fair. Preliminary rounds take place at 4 p.m. on Aug. 8-11, semifinal rounds are at 4 p.m. on Aug. 15-17, and the final round is at 2 p.m. on Aug. 18.
The Missouri State Fair runs August 8-15.