WILS Awarded $10,000 No Wrong Door Grant
UMKC Institute Human Development awarded a $10,000 No Wrong Door Mini Grant to West-Central Independent Living Solutions with funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
The “No Wrong Door” system provides coordinated services amongst multiple state and community agencies for people who need long-term care to ensure that regardless of which agency people contact for help, they can access information about options available across all agencies in their communities. The mini-grants are open to Independent Living Centers and Area Agencies on Aging in Missouri with programming focused on decreasing social isolation, increasing use of technology and enhancing person-centered supports.
According to Grant Director Dr. Michelle Reynolds:
“COVID-19 has made things very difficult for many people and the organizations that serve them. We are excited to partner with WILS to expand their capacity to serve the people with disabilities in their community during COVID-19 and even beyond the pandemic.”
The WILS grant funding will be used to provide equitable access to technology devices, mobile hot-spots, provide new online services, programs, and learning opportunities for individuals with disabilities and older adults. Technology and remote access to services plays a key role in WILS ability to offer peer support and Independent Living skills learning. Together, these programs allow individuals with disabilities to continue to receive holistic, person centered, appropriate services in rural west-central Missouri.
WILS Director of Independent Living, Kathy Wyatt goes on to say:
“WILS works to empower individuals with disabilities to achieve and/or maintain their independence and being a part of the No Wrong Door system enhances our mission."