What Was The Best-Selling Car The Year You Graduated?
We all remember what car and/or truck we drove to school every day our senior year in high school, but do you know what was the best-selling car that year?
In a story from Car and Driver, they listed the best selling car the year you graduated. Now unfortunately they only go back to 1978. (I graduated in 1977...dang it!)
The Best-Selling Car in America the Year You Graduated High School
Did you graduate from high school in the past 40 years? Congratulations. Do you remember what the best-selling car was that year? We’ve gathered top car sales data from each year going back to 1978 so that now you can know. The good news is that, the further back in time you go, the more variety there was to the annual best-selling cars in America. Recently, there has been far less variation in the top-selling car year to year. This list does not include trucks or SUVs; the Ford F-150 has been the best-selling overall vehicle and truck in the United States for quite some time, making that roundup less interesting.