The Latest Vaccine Incentive: Free Beer and Weed
Just when I think I've seen it all. Something else comes along that makes me shake my head in disbelief. In Washington State they've decided to allow "Joints for Jabs" promotions at state licensed cannabis retailers.
That's right, any adult that gets their coronavirus vaccination at a weed store in Washington State can get a free joint, if the cannabis retailer is running a promotion like that.
I don't want to sound like the guy shouting at you to get off my lawn, but has it gotten to the point we need to bribe people with beer and bud to get them to take a vaccination that's for their own good, and our communities good?
You didn't hear? When 70% of America is vaccinated, all of us 21 and over will be getting a free Budweiser (or other Anheuser-Busch product or soft drink.)
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy an ice cold Budweiser as much as the next person. And I could care less if part of how someone decompress is hitting a joint. Yet I'm just a little uneasy bribing people to get a COVID-19 shot with weed and alcohol.
It's an odd juxtaposition to see Anheuser-Bush engaged in a national campaign with the White House to get people vaccinated. Or to see the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board allowing pot stores to give away free joints "to support COVID-19 vaccinations."
It just seems odd to take products that don't exactly promote health and wellness and use them to bribe people to get their coronavirus vaccines. But then again, when I was a kid if I saw the doctor, I'd get a lollipop. That's not exactly promoting health and wellness either.
It seems I might need to ponder this over a beer. Think I can get my free one early?
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