The Best Superhero Movies of All TimeThe Best Superhero Movies of All TimeWe ranked the 25 best superhero films in the history of cinema. Did your favorite make the list?Matt SingerMatt Singer
Let’s Give ‘Shazam’ Credit For Keeping Its Best Action Sequence Totally SecretLet’s Give ‘Shazam’ Credit For Keeping Its Best Action Sequence Totally SecretThere’s a huge secret in ‘Shazam.’ The movie probably would have made more money if they spoiled it — but it didn’t.Matt SingerMatt Singer
‘Shazam’ Easter Eggs: Every Hidden DC Reference You Missed‘Shazam’ Easter Eggs: Every Hidden DC Reference You MissedThere are a ton of hidden secrets in the new DC Comics movie. Did you spot these?Matt SingerMatt Singer
‘Shazam’: Who’s That Strange New Character in the Post-Credits Scene?‘Shazam’: Who’s That Strange New Character in the Post-Credits Scene?If you were confused by the final scene of DC’s new movie, here’s everything you need to know.Matt SingerMatt Singer
‘Shazam’s David F. Sandberg and Peter Safran on Setting the Right Tone and Casting A Funny Hero‘Shazam’s David F. Sandberg and Peter Safran on Setting the Right Tone and Casting A Funny HeroWe talked to the director of one of DC’s best movies in years.Matt SingerMatt Singer