Air Conditioning

Are Missouri Landlords Required to Provide You Air Conditioning?
Are Missouri Landlords Required to Provide You Air Conditioning?
Are Missouri Landlords Required to Provide You Air Conditioning?
I'm not a lawyer or any kind of legal expert, but I will say that many laws and regulations don't use common sense in my opinion. This is a great example. Do you think that Missouri landlords should be required to provide you air conditioning? The answer is more complicated than it needs to be.
Utilities Cash Giveaway
Utilities Cash Giveaway
Utilities Cash Giveaway
Are you tired of paying those outrageous air conditioning bills to keep you house cool?  Sick of running up your water bill to keep your lawn alive?  This summer has been a scorcher, and it’s not over yet.  We want to help keep those summer bills from burning a hole in your wallet by giving away a cool $300 to pay your utility bills this summer!