SFCC Coaches’ Show Set for February 12
The public is invited to visit with State Fair Community College basketball coaches at the last coaches’ show for the season at 7 p.m. Feb. 12 at Fitter’s Fifth Street Pub, 500 S. Ohio.
Women’s Head Coach Kevin Bucher and Assistant Coach Jade Perry will recap the Lady Roadrunner performances against Region 16 and Missouri Community College Athletic Conference (MCCAC) teams from Crowder College, Mineral Area College, Three Rivers Community College, and Moberly Area Community College, as well as non-regional and non-conference match ups against Metropolitan Community College-Penn Valley and Iowa Western Community College.
Men’s Head Coach Matt Brown and Assistant Coach Adam Short will review the Roadrunner performances against their region and MCCAC competition from Missouri State University-West Plains, Mineral Area College, and Three Rivers College, as well as MCC-Penn Valley and Iowa Western Community College, which were a non-regional and non-conference matchups.
The coaches also will discuss their strategies for closing out the season as their teams gear up for the regional tournament.
Jaime Beltran, men and women’s soccer head coach; Jud Kindle, baseball head coach; and Lyndsey Talbot, softball head coach, will talk about their teams. The softball team’s home opener double-header will be at 2 p.m. Feb. 17 at Mandy Thomas Field in Centennial Park against Iowa Western Community College.
The baseball team’s double-header home opener will be at 1 p.m. Feb. 20 at Dey Field in Liberty Park Stadium.
For more information about SFCC’s Athletics, go to sfccmoroadrunners.com.
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