Sedalia Woman Wins $1,000 Scholarship in FAFSA Frenzy
State Fair Community College freshman Danielle Read of Sedalia has won a $1,000 scholarship for participating in the FAFSA Frenzy (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) event that was held last fall on the Sedalia campus.
FAFSA Frenzy is part of national efforts to promote FAFSA completion and has been offered in Missouri since 2004 through partnerships between the Missouri Department of Higher Education (MDHE), the Missouri Association of Student Financial Aid Personnel (MASFAP), the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority (MoHELA), and the National College Access Network.
MDHE administers FAFSA Frenzy with financial contributions from sponsoring organizations, including MASFAP, MoHELA and the Missouri Scholarship and Loan Foundation. During the entire period of this program, a key feature has been a statewide scholarship with winners drawn from among the participants served.
MASFAP’s generosity continues with the sponsorship of five $1,000 scholarships for the 2018-19 FAFSA Frenzy events. Students who attended one of the official FAFSA Frenzy events this academic year were eligible to enter a statewide drawing to receive one of the scholarships. The winners were drawn from among 2,380 participants. SFCC has served as an official host of FAFSA Frenzy events for several years.
In the photo: Julie Meyer, MDHE Student Access and Success Programs director (second from left) presented a $1,000 FAFSA Frenzy scholarship to SFCC freshman Danielle Read. Dr. Ty Nance, SFCC Admissions and Outreach director (left) and Angel Mefford, SFCC Financial Aid and Veteran Services director (right) attended the presentation on the Sedalia campus.