Sedalia Council Hears Update on City’s Recycling Program
The Sedalia City Council heard audit results, an economic development annual report and an update on the City's recycling program Monday evening at the Municipal Building.
Mayor Galliher and the Council officially said farewell to former Economic Development Director Linda Christle with a round of applause. She was one of the presenters Monday night, along with her successor, Jessica Craig. "I have big shoes to fill," Craig quipped.
"I just ask that you support Jessica as much as you supported me. She has logic and knowledge, and she's a great person," Christle told the Council.
“Our focus is the retention, expansion and recruitment of the manufacturing, warehouse, distribution, logistics, technology and energy sectors by bringing growth among our companies,” Christle commented about EDSPC.
“It is a continual, day-to-day process and one that none of us can be complacent with.” she concluded.
Figures were provided showing the effectiveness of the Pettis County Enhanced Enterprise Zone (EEZ), which provides real property tax abatement to new or expanding businesses within the Zone.
The program is a discretionary program offering local tax abatement on real property until its expiration on Nov. 20, 2030. New jobs and new investments must be added to be eligible for benefits.
According to information provided by EDSPC, a total of 55 companies have been approved for the EEZ since its creation in 2005, investing $315,421,120.71, creating 2017 jobs and providing $85,893,057.58 in cumulative annual wages, with the average wage at $32,382 in Pettis County for 2015.
Brenda Ardrey of the Public Works Department gave the Council an update on the City's new recycling program. All recycling is done at curbside now, and only glass is being accepted at the Thompson Blvd., and 10th Street sites.
“The first day, (Oct. 3) we got lots of calls (about recycling),” she said, but it has tapered off since then. “We're still refining the process,” she told the Council. She added that the week of Oct. 7, a total of 4.45 tons of recycled goods were collected. And the week ending Oct. 14, that figured nearly doubled to 8.14 tons.
Figures on trash collections showed that 151.5 tons were picked up by city crews the week ending Oct. 7. That number increased to 173 tons for the week ending Oct. 14.
Ardrey noted that there is no limit to the number of containers that can be placed at curbside, but that each container should weigh no more than 75 pounds, or 35 gallons.
No recyclable materials are being accepted at the Materials Management Site at 27822 Highway U, she stressed. Only curbside recycling is available now. Plus, she said, it saves residents from making trips to the sites at 3107 W. Broadway and 1001 S. Massachusetts.
County residents who have been taking advantage of the two sites in Sedalia are not too thrilled with the recent removal of the singe-stream recycling bins, Ardrey said. She suggested they contact Waste Corp about possibly providing recycling services in their neck of the woods.
Newly-appointed Ward 4 Councilwoman Mary Merritt, after listening to Adrey's presentation, said that she, as a member of the League of Women Voters, may approach the Pettis County Commission about possibly instituting a similar program for county residents.
The Council rejected bids for the 50 Highway & Oak Grove Intersection improvements, because they were too high, according to Councilman Jeff Leeman.
Council also rejected a bid for generator maintenance services. No specific reason was given for that decision.
The Council did award a bid for a metal building for Public Works at the Materials Management Site.
The moratorium on on demolition permits on Ohio between Main and Broadway was extended for an additional 60 days.
And the Council revised an agreement between the City and the Missouri Highways & Transportation Commission involving airport improvements. The additional amount was decreased from $371,173 to $352,223.
The City adopted financial management policies by a vote of 5-2, with Leeman and Turley casting no votes. Bonita Nash was absent Monday night for health reasons.
Two liquor license were renewed: Paul Beykirch DBA County Distributing Co., Inc., 1800 Eagleview Drive, Wholesale Beer, $50; and Jennifer Edwards DBA End Zone Sports Bar & Grill, 3129 W. Broadway, Liquor by the Drink With Sunday Sales, $750.