Sedalia 200 to Offer Summer Drivers Ed Course
Sedalia 200 will once again offer a drivers education course this summer for students in the area.
Driving instructor, Ashley Young, says the classes will begin Monday, June 4 and last through Friday, June 29.
Class times are 10:00 - 11:30 a.m., Monday - Friday, at the S-C Junior High campus on E. Broadway. The driver classes will take place in the Little Theatre.
Young, who has been a drivers education instructor with Sedalia 200 for eight years, says student drive times are scheduled as needed when they show up to the class. Mr. Young noted that typically some students drive from 7:00 - 10:00 a.m. and then again from noon - 3:00 p.m.
Young mentioned he will work around any type of student schedule, including driving on Saturdays and Sundays, to help educate kids in becoming better, safer drivers.
The cost to register for the class is $180.00. Young said the school district would like to have applications in by the last day of class at the high school, which is May 24, noting it was "not a hard and fast deadline." He indicated families could register for the class until June 4. Applications and registration fees can be turned in at the district central office, located at 2806 Matthew Drive in Sedalia.
The course requires 30 classroom hours, 12 observation hours (which students get in the car), and 6 hours behind the wheel. Young said six separate hour-long sessions are scheduled for students to drive.
Mr. Young said the course is open to other community students, not just Smith-Cotton. He noted that every year students from Sacred Heart, Otterville, Smithton, and Green Ridge take part in the drivers ed course, adding "as long as a student is currently enrolled in high school, they are welcome to sign up and attend."