Missouri’s Top Urban Legends
How many of these urban legends have you heard of? Only in Your State has published a list of the Top 5 Urban Legends in Missouri. Most times, when I see lists like this on the internet, I'm usually disappointed because I've never heard of any of them. In this case, I there are stories that I have actually heard of!
I also learned a few things. For instance, one of the Top 10 most haunted places in the U.S. is in St. Louis. There's also a place called "zombie road" in the Show-Me State. I also found out that there are a number of consequences for sitting on the "devil's chair" at midnight, Friday the 13th, Halloween, etc. One of them is "a hand will rise from a grave and drag you down into hell." I'm not really superstitious, but with a severe consequence like that, I don't know that I'm willing to take a chance.
Are there any interesting local urban legends that you know of? Where I'm from in northeast Missouri, everybody has heard about an old cemetery - locally known as Screamin' Johnny's - where one can supposedly hear screaming in the middle of the night. i don't remember exactly what the story is that led to Johnny screaming, but they say you can hear him screaming. I've never heard Johnny scream.
Check out the Top 5 Urban Legends in Missouri and see if you're familiar with any of these stories, and if you know of any urban legends from around here, let us know in the comments section below!