Missouri’s #1 Pizza Restaurant is…
Missouri's number one pizza restaurant is... drum roll please... Little Caesars. Yes I said it, Little Caesars. But there's more to the story and we can start with the point that just because it's the most popular pizza restaurant doesn't make it the tastiest or the best. Just the place most Missourians have ordered from.
According to a new report from topagency.com Little Caesars is the most popular pizza restaurant in Missouri along with 23 other states including Kansas. Why? "The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has impacted just about every element of American life and that includes our pizza-eating habits." The report continues, "We released a report earlier this year revealing that fast food was consistently outperforming traditional sit-down restaurants, and with those findings in mind perhaps it is no surprise that Little Caesars has fared best since COVID-19 struck."
My first thought when I heard Little Caesars was top dog was it's got to be the cost. I mean the value proposition is pretty good. You can get their Classic Cheese or Classic Pep pies for five bucks. Their Extra Most Bestest pies for six bucks. And Deep Deep Dish pizzas for eight bucks. Even their somewhat limited specialty pizzas are only twelve bucks. It's not a bad pizza for the money either. Is it as good as a pizza from Fitter's? Or Papa John's? No. But you're not paying Fitter's or Papa John's prices either.
The report from Topagency.com bears out my thoughts too:
The cost-effective approach to dining partnered with minimal human interaction has been at the top of a lot of American’s menus this year and the results from our pizza report indicate that little has changed recently.
That, however, doesn't make it Missouri's best pizza. No, it's a testament to Missourians' frugality. And when you take advantage of Little Caesars delivery, well the value proposition in my opinion is lost.
A five dollar Classic Cheese pizza, after delivery fee, service fee, small order fee and driver tip is $15.00. I got news for you, if I'm going to spend $15 dollars to get a pizza delivered. I'm probably going to see what deals other places have and see if I can get any other pizza delivered $18.00 -$21.00 dollars.
When I think of why I've ordered Little Caesars pizzas, cost and effort are the big winners. I want pizza, but I don't want to spend $15 - $20 dollars or more for one. I want pizza but I don't want to have to preheat the oven, watch the pizza, make sure I don't burn it and let it cool before I eat it. Additionally, the idea that I can stop spur of the moment and get a pizza without waiting or ordering ahead. Yeah I've taken advantage of that.
Bottom line. Little Caesars found a way to sell an acceptable pizza at an inexpensive price to many. Then they started adding the ability to pick one up spur of the moment. The ability to order ahead on the app. And the ability to pay and pick up without dealing with an employee. That's apparently the formula for being pizza king of Missouri.
Here's the Top five pizza restaurants in Missouri according to topagency.com:
5. Pizza Hut
4. Papa Murphy's
3. Papa John's
2. Domino's
1. Little Caesars
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