Missouri Veteran’s Home Needs Our Help
The Missouri Veteran's Home in Warrensburg has published a wish list of items needed to help the veterans in their care. The items, for the most part, are basic personal care items and aren't very expensive. If you can help, the home needs the following items:
- Postage stamps so their veterans can mail letters and cards to loved ones.
- Mens white underwear in medium, large and extra large.
- Mens white under shirts in medium, large and extra large.
- Diabetic socks.
- Sweat pants in sizes large and extra large.
- White wash clothes.
- Men's bodywash.
- Men's aftershave (alcohol free.)
- Clorox Wipes to help during flu season.
- Disposable wet cleaning clothes for eyeglasses.
- And the favorite snack of residents during happy hour... Chester's Puff Corn.
If you have any questions or would like some more information please e-mail latisha.koetting@mvc.dps.mo.gov. Together we can make sure we take care of the veterans in their care.
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