I'm already hearing speculation that the worst of Missouri winter is over. Nothing would make me happier, but what do the squirrels say? If you look at their nests, you can see what their prediction is for the rest of winter in Missouri.

What do squirrel nests and Missouri winter have to do with each other?

Answer - plenty. I'll explain why shortly. First, let's understand a little about why squirrels build nests and yes, that's plural. The Wildlife Rescue League mentions that squirrels often build 2 or 3 nests in different trees as they move often to get away from threats. That means they'll sometimes build multiple nests even during the winter months.

Now, let's talk about some specific squirrel movement that I've noticed from the start of winter until now in Missouri. In late October and early November, I saw several nests in our neighborhood at varying heights.

The old saying goes that the higher the squirrel nest, the more snow you'll see on the ground...

That brings me to today. I noticed that now all of the squirrel nests are near the top of the trees.

Photo, Doc Holliday
Photo, Doc Holliday

Does this mean that the squirrels know that the worst of winter isn't over quite yet? I'll put it this way. I would not be surprised if we don't have one or two rather substantial snows between now and the end of March. It seems that the squirrels are preparing for something and what better to trust for a weather prediction than nature?

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Gallery Credit: Canva

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