Full disclosure: I failed my first driver's test. Yes, I took it in Missouri when I turned 16 and it appears I'm the rule and not the exception as almost no states failed more driver's tests than those of us in Missouri.

I think I've become a pretty good driver. My wife might (Editor's Note: does) disagree. USA Today just shared an interesting blueprint revealing data that shows Missouri is second only to Indiana for failed driver's test attempts. Feel free to insert your own favorite Hoosiers joke here.

Get this. Missouri excels fails at not just the driving, but the written tests, too. Behold this graphic that was shared.

Infographic, USA Today
Infographic, USA Today

The fact that I'm so proud of this probably does not bode well for my self-proclaimed driving prowess. I could argue that Missouri took more actual driver's tests than Indiana, but that's probably the wrong kind of bragging. Failure is failure. (You should see my resume for more proof)

The other part of this new data that I'm having a hard time living down is the reveal that Iowa is among the best states for passing driving tests. This just in. My wife is from Iowa. (*hangs head in shame*) Illinois surprisingly also fares well in passing driving tests, however I think many I've driven near on I-172 should be required to take their test again to make sure they really did pass. End of editorial comments.

It's also quite revealing the Missouri didn't even show up in the top half of the results for driving skill tests. Mic drop. 

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Gallery Credit: Canva