A recent TikTok video shared by a woman severely injured in an automobile accident is shining a light on the dangers of riding with your feet on the car's dash.

Why You Should Never Put Your Feet On Your Car's Dash

TikTok user Deann Saenz-Ashbaugh (@dsaenz94) recently uploaded a video where she explains how she was injured in an accident six weeks ago.

The California resident was riding in a car in Iowa where she had gone to visit her husband's grandmother. They were 15 minutes away from their destination when life changed.

"My feet were on the dash and we were t-boned on my side," Saenz-Ashbaugh said recapping the accident. "We rolled. I went unconscious."

She later woke up upside down on the ceiling of the car with two severely injured legs that had just moments earlier been resting on the car's dash.

"My left foot, the tibia and fibula broke," Saenz-Ashbaugh said. "My right foot got stuck between the dash window."

Six weeks later, she is still in a brace due to additional injuries to her spine and one of her arms. Pieces of glass needed to be removed from her feet.

"You just don't think it's going to happen to you until it happens to you," she says as a warning to those watching the video.

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Saenz-Ashbaugh mentioned that she had learned about the dangers of putting her feet on the dash prior to the accident thanks to another TikTok user who shared what she had learned from working at a funeral home.

"I was like, 'oh my gosh, I put my feet on the dash. I should stop doing that.' So I stopped doing it for a little bit, then I started doing it again."

The TikTok account she was referring to in the video is Lauren the Mortician.

Lauren regularly shares stories from her career as a mortician to entertain and inform her more than 2.6 million followers. Videos range from stories such as what happens during an autopsy and misconceptions about embalming to what she will never do in a car after witnessing gruesome injuries on bodies as a mortician.

The videos have led to several viewers sharing how Lauren's tips helped save their lives.

"This gave me chills," Lauren commented on the video detailing the accident involving the passenger who had her feet on the dash.

"Wish I listened to you," Saenz-Ashbaugh responded. "Glad my injuries are just temporary., but keep sharing!"

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