How To Keep Your Home Safe During Holidays
Are any of you going away for the holidays? Will you be leaving your house or apartment for a period of time. Well I fall into that category, and it is natural to feel a little worried about the safety of your belongings.
Not some people live in areas where this might not be a problem, or have trusted neighbors that can keep an eye on things. Perhaps you don't have too many things that are of any value to a thief, or are in a place where the effort to burglarize is too difficult.
Either way, I have some tips that I think could be helpful to give you more piece of mind. Especially if you will be gone for a while.
1. If you're having packages delivered when you aren't home, coordinate with your neighbors so they're not sitting out on your porch for hours. This is a big one for me. I have them delivered to my job instead.
2. Lock your car doors and don't leave packages in there, even if it's parked in the driveway. Simple enough.
3. If your tree is on display next to an open window, don't put the presents under it until Christmas Day. Hope you have enough hiding places so the kids won't find them.
4. Always keep your tree watered. A dry tree can go up in flames in seconds. Or go with an artificial one.
5. And on that note, create an emergency plan for what to do if a fire breaks out anywhere in your home. And make sure every family member knows the plan . . . even if that means practicing it a few times with your kids.
Hope these tips help. Have a safe and Merry Christmas!
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