Here’s What to Expect When Warrensburg’s AMC Classic Re-opens
When the AMC Classic Warrensburg 10 re-opens going to the movies is going to be a little bit different. AMC Theatres has worked with Dr. Joseph Allen of the Harvard School of Public Health and Clorox to develop their policies and procedures to keep customers safe and the company is calling their program AMC Safe & Clean.
According to AMC's website customers can expect every other row at the AMC Classic Warrensburg 10 to be blocked off, and capacity limited to 30% or less based on local guidelines. When it comes to concessions, AMC is shrinking the selection of food and beverages you can get at the theater to move people through the concession line more quickly. Yes, you'll still be able to buy popcorn and soft drinks. However, the free large popcorn and soda refills are going to be unavailable and napkins, lids, straws and condiments will only be available by request.
The theater itself, according to AMC, will be cleaned routinely throughout the day with much attention given to cleaning high touch points. Extra time will be allotted between screenings so that employees can clean the auditorium between shows. The theater will also be using Electrostatic disinfectant sprayers and vacuums with HEPA filters throughout the theater.
Employees health will be monitored and their temperature taken before they start work each day and any employee with a fever or symptoms will be asked to self quarantine until they are symptom free for 72 hours. Associates will also be frequently washing hands and wearing masks.
A few other things to know before heading to the movies:
- Guests are required to wear masks except when eating or drinking while in their seats.
- The concession stand will be cashless. However, the box office will still accept cash.
- AMC will have hand sanitizing stations throughout the theater and asks patrons to routinely use them.
- AMC asks that people who feel sick or have a fever to please not attend a movie until they have been symptom free for three days.
AMC Theatres says they're opening their theaters in "waves", with the first set of theaters opening on July 15. This, however, doesn't mean the Warrensburg Classic 10 will be in that first wave. I can say one thing, with all the people out and about, I still think if they're open on July 15 it will be a busy place.
I'm not sure I'm ready to hit the movies just yet. But if you're ready to get out and see a film, that's what you can expect when you head over to the AMC Classic in Warrensburg. I do one thing. When Kathy and I finally do hit the theater for a movie. I'm getting some popcorn, a box of Sno-Caps and an icy Coke Zero Sugar! See ya at the movies!
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