Cornhole…It’s Addictive!
I think I've been bitten by the bug...the cornhole bug! Once you start playing this game it's hard to stop. Especially if you get into any leagues or tournaments.
I guess you could say I caught the 'bug' from a friend of mine. He and his wife made their own boards so they would have them available for play in their backyard. They invited us over earlier this summer, and the rest is history.
At first he would beat the pants off of me. I don't know how many games in a row he would demolish me but ,like everything, the more you play the better you get. (At least you hope!)
Now as we move forward two to three months later, I'm finding myself with two tournaments under my belt and one night of tournament play from a Wednesday night at the Doo Southside.
They had leagues going on during the summer months at the Doo but now that the league has ended, they've still been playing on Wednesday evenings to make sure the players still have a venue to stay sharp as the fall league gets ready to kick into gear in October.
The one thing I have found is I have to re-learn how to throw the cornhole bags. For many, starting at as a casual player, you probably don't think too much about technique. I'm finding out that there's a lot more to it.
Like with anything, if you want to be good at it, you have to learn to do whatever it may be the right way. Well, playing last night with players that have honed their skills, was my introduction on how not to throw the bags. We'll see how this 'hole' thing works out!