City of Sedalia Repairing Section of 20th Street
The City of Sedalia has announced that Twentieth Street from South Grand, west to South Quincy, is now closed to through traffic to allow for repair of an asphalt roadway, and will remain closed until the repairs are completed.
As of Thursday morning, the affected area at 20th and Prospect had been scored and a section of the bad asphalt was removed. Signs posted at the site had been knocked down by ferocious storm winds the night before. No street crew was on scene.
The road work is scheduled to be completed and the road re-opened by 4 p.m. on June 11, depending on the weather.
Homeowners along West 20th will be able to access their driveways throughout the road construction period. However, access may be limited to one direction from the east or west as work progresses.
Travelers will want to plan a different route and avoid the area to ensure they arrive at their destinations on time and to assist in keeping congestion to a minimum so that roadway repairs can be made safely.