Movie Quotes: Am I the Only One That Finds Themself Doing This?
Sometimes when I'm having a conversation with someone, I find myself thinking (if not saying) movie quotes that fit in conversationally. For example, someone might be going a little slow and I'll think "T-t-t-DAY Junior" from Billy Madison. Other times someone will bring up a film and the lines just get passed around the table. "Snotty beamed me twice yesterday. It was wonderful". Other favorites include:
- "Easy baby. I'm not from Havana." - Blazing Saddles
- (on the golf course) "Go to your home ball! Are you too good for your home?" - Happy Gilmore
- "We're on a mission from God."- The Blues Brothers
Everyone has favorite movie lines. What are yours? I'll await your comments below with much antici......(SAY IT)......pation.