2 More Confirmed Mountain Lion Sightings on Trail Cam in Missouri
Mountain lion activity in Missouri continues to ramp up as there are at least two more sightings in Missouri that have been confirmed by the state. Both occurred in Dallas County, Missouri according to official reports.

If you're not aware, the Missouri Department of Conservation has an official page where you can report and they document mountain lion sightings. There are 2 new sightings to pass along:
February 25, 2023 - Photo of a mountain lion taken by a game camera. LCRT confirmed using photos and other sign.
March 7, 2023 - Photo of a mountain lion taken by a game camera. LCRT confirmed using photos and other sign including tracks on site.
That means both sightings have been investigated by the Missouri Department of Conservation and confirmed to be legitimate. The latest one on March 7, 2023 in Dallas County was further confirmed when agents found mountain lion tracks where the trail cam report came from.
If you're not familiar with where Dallas County, Missouri is, it's a region just to the north of the Springfield, Missouri area.
These two new Missouri mountain lion sightings add to an already high total of 9 so far in 2023. This includes one big cat that was reportedly struck by a vehicle in Franklin County, Missouri a couple months ago.
While mountain lion sightings in Missouri are not what I would describe as common, the number is growing quickly which means it's a good idea to keep your eyes wide open when you're in the Missouri backcountry.
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