UCM Public Safety Offering Free Self Defense Classes for UCM Community
If you feel vulnerable when you're out and about in town. Change that in the new year. The University of Central Missouri's Department of Public Safety is offering free self-defense classes for women and men who are University of Central Missouri students, employees, and dependents.
The programs, Rape Aggression Defense System (R.A.D.) and Resisting Aggression with Defense (R.A.D) are realistic self-defense tactics and techniques for women and men and are being taught by officers for UCM's Department of Public Safety.
According to UCM's webpage on the R.A.D. programs the objective for R.A.D. for Women is, "To develop and enhance the options of self-defense, so they may become viable considerations to the woman who is attacked." This women-only course includes awareness, prevention, risk reduction, risk avoidance, and progressing to the basics of hands-on defense training.
R.A.D. for Men's objective is, “To provide responsible information and tactical options of self-defense for men who find themselves in confrontational situations.” Participants will raise their awareness of aggressive behavior, recognize how aggressive behavior impacts their lives, learn steps to avoid aggressive behavior, and consider how they can be part of reducing aggression and violence. Additionally, self-defense skills will be taught to resist and escape aggressive behavior directed toward them.
Sessions for R.A.D. for Women and R.A.D. for Men are being offered in January and March with a couple of continuing education R.A.D. courses are being offered in April. All programs are held on campus from 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM CST at the Police Academy, 200 Ming Stret.
For more information on the program contact UCM Police Sgt. Scott Lewis at 660-543-4123. Groups of 10 or more may arrange a specially scheduled course by contacting Sgt. Lewis.