Whiteman Air Force Base

Updated FEMA Map Suddenly Shows Dozens of Missouri Nuke Targets
Updated FEMA Map Suddenly Shows Dozens of Missouri Nuke Targets
Updated FEMA Map Suddenly Shows Dozens of Missouri Nuke Targets
We've always known that if the world ever enters a worst-case nuclear attack scenario that Missouri would be one of the first places hit. However, it was believed there were only 2 or 3 likely targets for an attack. A newly-updated FEMA map suddenly shows there are now dozens of Missouri places in grave danger if an enemy were ever to make our worst dreams come true.
WAFB-UCM Partnership Celebrated in Opening of Newly Redesigned Dining Center
WAFB-UCM Partnership Celebrated in Opening of Newly Redesigned Dining Center
WAFB-UCM Partnership Celebrated in Opening of Newly Redesigned Dining Center
A recent ribbon-cutting ceremony celebrating the renovation of The Ozark Dining Facility at Whiteman Air Force Base not only introduced base personnel and guests to updates on an important food service center, but recognized the partnership between University of Central Missouri students and faculty members who helped make the vision for this redesign project a reality.

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