They're coming. Oh, wait. The truth is they're already here. The notorious cicada brood hatch is now making its way northward in Missouri and there's nothing you can do to stop them.
I'm not trying to downplay the honor because it really is a nice recognition for a Missouri place. However, what the net is declaring one of best places to live in America really is full of lead foot speeders.
I don't tend to put a lot of importance on internet lists, but there are a few that I pay close attention to and this is one of them. In a brand new safest cities list for 2024, you'll fine 2 Missouri and Illinois cities ranked among the 20 safest in the country.
I demand a recount. Oh, wait. I'm getting ahead of myself. There's a new safest cities list that includes two Missouri places. That's the good news. The unbelievable part is that they are located near the 'murder capital' of America and I have so many questions.