If you think your government is broken you may be right, a group of lawmakers in Missouri just broke a record in the Show-Me State, and there is little to show for it. Here are the details...
Lawmakers in the Land of Lincoln are discussing "Tax Breaks" for media companies to hopefully create more local journalists, is this something you support? Here are the details...
Lawmakers in Illinois are one step closer to passing a law that started in California and is now spreading to the Land of Lincoln, do you support this new law? Here are the details you need to know...
Lawmakers in Illinois may soon pass a bill that eliminates the need to tip servers and bartenders, but the restaurants and servers are pushing back, why?
Lawmakers in Missouri want to give landlords the power to deny certain residents from renting their properties. Here are the details you need to know...
A new law could pass in Missouri that would go after School Faculty and Teachers with a Class E Felony if they give students certain materials. What are lawmakers trying to prevent, and is this the right way to go about it?
Lawmakers in Missouri are set to debate whether homeschooled kids should be allowed to participate in public school sports, here is what you need to know about both sides of the argument...
The law starts August 2023 and many Missourians are already confused by what they are and aren't allowed to do with the new Texting and Driving law in the Show-Me State.