
Missouri’s Cheapest Place Also Happens to Be Super Dangerous
Missouri’s Cheapest Place Also Happens to Be Super Dangerous
Missouri’s Cheapest Place Also Happens to Be Super Dangerous
What's more important to you? Saving money or living? Depending on how you answer that, you might be interested to know that to live in Missouri's cheapest place, you also need to be ready to dance with danger based on statistics. Let's see if it's worth the price you pay (pun intended).
George Jones Refuses Low Bids in Sale of His Home
George Jones Refuses Low Bids in Sale of His Home
George Jones Refuses Low Bids in Sale of His Home
How much would you pay to live on George Jones‘ 78-acre property? Would it be enough to sink the deal? Jones and his wife Nancy have been through the ringer trying to sell their estate in Franklin, Tenn. After lowering the price of the estate once, the Joneses turned to the auction block, attempting to sell off their home and its surrounding acreage on Saturday (July 7). The property was divided i