There is a science behind the color vehicle you have and whether or not you get a ticket for a vehicular sin. In Missouri, there is one particular car color that statistically gets pulled over more frequently than others and it might not be what you think.
It was a busy and in some cases tragic weekend on Missouri roads over the Memorial Day weekend as the Missouri State Highway Patrol report hundreds of accidents including at least 7 fatalities over that 3 day holiday period.
You can never be too careful when you take to the road especially if you're traveling long distances. Truck drivers are warning of dangerous stops in Illinois, Missouri and Iowa that you want to avoid if at all possible due to safety concerns.
If you were one one Illinois interstate at the wrong time earlier this week, you know that traffic was brought to a standstill by a sudden dirt storm that overwhelmed traffic.
I'm not confessing anything, but there are rumors that I drove 'enhanced' speed limits when I had a Firebird during my younger years. That is almost completely untrue. Maybe. If you are concerned about speeding tickets, you probably should know that two states most notorious for giving them both border Missouri.
I'm not trying to downplay the honor because it really is a nice recognition for a Missouri place. However, what the net is declaring one of best places to live in America really is full of lead foot speeders.
I love my home state of Missouri, but I will admit that we can be a curious people all the time sometimes. If you'd like to see more evidence of that, look at what many agree is the dumbest actual law in Missouri. It involves cars and Tarzan and I'm not making any of that up.
I understand the science, but I'm not sure many in Missouri are ready for this concept to become reality. Should a 4th traffic light color be added to the traditional scheme? I predict the reason why will anger many.