Missouri State Fair Director Mark Wolfe announced today that 32 youth, selected from Missouri 4-H and FFA, will be awarded scholarships by the Missouri State Fair Foundation Youth in Agriculture (YIA) committee.
One of the main portions of the Missouri State Fair is to give kids an avenue to showcase their skills and talents. The 4H building does this year after year by allowing kids to do live demonstrations, show off photos, baked goods, projects and more...
Saddle Clubs do a lot, especially in rural areas like ours. Their general goal is to promote and encourage care, riding, and enjoyment of horses plus fun and friendship with others.
The Missouri State Fair is really a showcase for all things Agriculture in our state. We have so many great farmers and people who work in our agricultural fields, and it's a long standing tradition. One part of what keeps that so vital and thriving is the passion of our young people.
The Central Missouri Agriculture Club will have their Pie Contest, Auction and Banquet on January 25. It’ll take place at the Pork Place at the Missouri State Fairgrounds.
One particularly fun thing about being on the radio, especially in the summertime, is that you get to talk to all sorts of people who are having get-togethers and events. The 4-H Foundation is going to have a dinner and silent auction coming up, and Lori Gerke came in to talk to me about it.
Well, in honor of the Muddy Creek 4-H's 1st annual Cinco De Mayo Fundraiser Hog Roast, I thought I'd go back to the Recipe Vault! This time, we're going to make some interesting Roast Pork.