Skyline Students Cast Ballots For Their Favorite President
Kindergarten students at Skyline Elementary marked Presidents Day recently by comparing George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, then learning about the voting process.
According to Bob Satnan, Communications Director of the Sedalia School District 200, on Friday, Feb. 22, teachers read "Duck for President" and "My Teacher for President" to their students. "Duck for President" followed Duck as he campaigned for and won local, state and federal elections, knocking off incumbents in each race. "My Teacher for President" addressed the attributes which made the teacher a good candidate for president, including paying attention when other speak, providing leadership and signing important papers. The kindergartners learned about ballots, then cast their votes for either Duck or their teacher to become president. Some of the races were close, but the teachers prevailed.
With more interest for all ages for the upcoming 2020 presidential election, increased campaign coverage may also bring interesting questions from your child. While even young children can get caught up in the excitement of a campaign, they may be confused about how it works.
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