SFCC Presidential Search Narrowed To Five Candidates
A search for State Fair Community College’s sixth president began in August of 2021, when Dr. Joanna Anderson, SFCC's fifth president, announced her retirement effective July 1, 2022.
The closing date for applicants was Dec. 1.
On Dec. 21, the screening committee extended invitations to five out of 12 candidates to visit the campus. Each candidate will meet with stakeholders, which will include one session open to the public. All public sessions will be 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Thompson Conference Center on the Sedalia campus:
Friday, January 21, Dr. Brent Bates
Monday, January 24, Dr. Michelle Schutt
Wednesday, January 26, Dr. David Hinds
Friday, January 28, Dr. Randy Smith
Monday, January 31, Dr. David Braverman
Timeline of the search (in reverse order):
Dec. 21, 2021 – Concluded initial screenings via Zoom with 12 candidates. Five candidates were invited to campus for in-person meetings.
Dec. 6, 2021 – Initial screenings of candidates began via Zoom.
Oct. 12, 2021 – Search Committee met via Zoom for initial review of applicants and identify applicants with incomplete applications/materials to date.
Oct. 5, 2021 – The At-a-Glance and presidential profile documents were added to the page.
Sept. 16, 2021 – Search committee met in person for training and an overview of the process and to discuss an initial (tentative) timeline.
Sept. 3, 2021 – Slider added to www.sfccmo.edu homepage – clicks directed to the press release added on Sept. 2, 2021.
Sept. 2, 2021 – Vacancy Announcement posted on higheredjobs.com. Press release announcing vacancy posted to SFCC website and sent to the media – a list of recipients is available here.
Sept. 1, 2021 – Committee members confirmed and stakeholder input form posted.
Aug. 31, 2021 – Vacancy Announcement on The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Aug. 30, 2021 – Vacancy Announcement posted on SFCC employment webpage
August 26, 2021 – The SFCC Board of Trustees met in closed session to review and finalize the members of the SFCC Presidential Search Committee.
August 19, 2021 – The Office of Human Resources confirming representation from all stakeholders to serve on the Presidential Search Committee.
There are 13 members serving on the SFCC presidential search committee, including:
Amie Breshears, Benton County Engagement Specialist in Ag & Environment; Linda Church (ex officio), SFCC Human Resources; Jessica Craig, Executive Director, Economic Development Sedalia-Pettis County; Rachel Dawson, SFCC Executive Director of Human Resources; Randy Eaton, SFCC Board of Trustees (President); Joe Fischer, SFCC Foundation (President); Estella Frazier, Bothwell Hospital (retired), Sedalia Police Personnel Board, Membership Chairperson, NAACP (local chapter), SFCC alum, member of True Vine Church; Brad Henderson, SFCC Executive Director of Marketing; Don Luper, SFCC Art Instructor, SFCC alum; Justin O’Neal, SFCC Director of Facilities Management; Daniel So, SFCC Program Coordinator/Instructor, Engineering Design, SFCC graduate; Melinda Strange, Community Member, SFCC graduate; Patty Wood, SFCC Board of Trustees (Vice President)
The new SFCC president will begin their new job on July 1. State Fair was founded in September of 1968.