Sedalia Rotary Club Names Students of the Month
The Sedalia Rotary Club recently recognized several Pettis County students for their academic, civic and other endeavors as the Club's Students of the Month at their April 24th meeting.
Sedalia Rotary Youth Chairman Dr. David Limbaugh (third from left) led the honors for (from left to right) Mattilyn Mergen (Green Ridge), Darren Sanchez (Smith-Cotton), and Emma Siron (Sacred Heart).
The Sedalia Rotary Club, as part of the Club's effort to support education, will also award the Best Student of Pettis County and Leon Moore Scholarships at its Monday May 12th luncheon meeting at the Best Western State Fair Inn starting at noon.
Nominees from all Pettis County high schools will be in attendance with their families and school representatives in an effort to acknowledge the students for their remarkable work and achievements and bright futures.