Team and Project Applications Now Available for 2017 Day of Caring
October 28 is the date for the third annual Day of Caring with the Sedalia-Pettis County United Way. Applications for projects, and team applications, are now available.
"Last year, we had 36 teams that took care of 24 projects, and they were very large projects," said Staci Harrison with Sedalia-Pettis County United Way. "We're very excited with what we're going to be able to accomplish this year."
The Day of Caring connects community volunteers with those in need of assistance with one-day projects. Home and yard cleanup, building wheelchair ramps, and painting are a few past projects that have been completed in previous Days of Caring.
"This year, we're working with the Missouri Valley Community Action Agency to see how we can do more home weatherization, so that we can help folks not spend so much money on their utility bills," said Harrison. "We're also looking at what we can do in Sedalia, and also in our more rural communities, for neighborhood revitalization. So we're going to be adding a little bit to the Day of Caring, along with focusing on our veterans, disabled, and the elderly, and helping them with projects they're not able to do on their own."
Church groups, community organizations, businesses and families have put together teams to participate in past Days of Caring. "Usually a team is anywhere from 8-14 people," said Harrison. "It's good fun. You're out there from about 9 o'clock until 1 o'clock, and you're helping your neighbor."
Applications from those that could use assistance during the Day of Caring, and applications for teams of volunteers, are both available online from the Sedalia-Pettis County United Way's website. Applications are due July 10.
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