Sedalia City Council Approves Purchase of Jenny Jaynes Stadium [INVERVIEWS]
The Sedalia City Council announced on Tuesday afternoon that they've approved the purchase of the Jennie Jaynes Stadium from the Sedalia 200 School District in a closed session meeting. The purchase is a step towards tearing the stadium down and establishing a community center in Sedalia.
City Administrator Gary Edwards told KSIS that the $1 million purchase price of the stadium and associated land would be paid for with Parks Department money, and not from the budget of the City of Sedalia. Edwards said the vote was seven for, and one against the purchase with the one vote against the purchase coming from 1st ward Councilman Stephen Galliher. Listen to the complete interview with Edwards below.
Sedalia Schools Superintendent Brad Pollitt said the sale of the Jennie Jaynes Stadium will allow the School District to begin stadium complex work at Smith-Cotton High School right away. When asked about the funding of the project, Pollitt said the money is being raised from donors and will not require assistance from additional taxes. Listen to the complete interview with Pollitt below.
Sedalia Parks and Recreations Director Mark Hewett said that he is pleased that the department has taken the first step in bringing a community center to Sedalia. When asked about funds for the estimated $20 million project, Hewett said he feels it will take a half cent sales tax to accomplish the project. Hewitt also said that Jennie Jaynes Stadium will be available to the Sedalia School District until their sports complex is completed. The complete interview with Hewitt is available below.