Sacred Heart Teens Get Key Club Chartered
The Sedalia Kiwanis Club works with kids all over our area. One way to do that is to reach out to young people who want to help. We're working to help end tetanus through the Eliminate Project, doing needed community service projects through Kiwanis One Day, and organizing fun, safe events for kids to get together and play games, such as our Kids Day in the Park. Sacred Heart here in Sedalia has organized and chartered their very own Key Club. They've already got service project ideas (they're doing a book drive right now to help promote literacy) and a lot of keen members. They are planning on leading their community to serve their school and Sedalia.
The new members of the Key Club are:
Riley Michaud
Morgan McKeon
Summer Caton
Nolan Walker
Bryan Schlotterbeck
Brian Oster
Easton Webb
Cody Damlo
Hunter Deresinski
Miranda Belles
Alexa Gutierrez
Andrea Pacheco
Annalise Mergen
Abby Smeltzer
Sadie Rollings
Andy Bautista
Brian Sierra
Zoe Volcko
Diana Granados
And they had cake! Who doesn't love cake?!
Congratulations to these wonderful, altruistic teens looking for ways to reach out for the kids of Pettis County! You guys are the future of our area and it looks good.
Kiwanisly yours,