Multiple Agencies Combine Forces to Battle Pettis County Grass Fire
Shortly after 1 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14, a small fire was ignited on an agricultural implement (combine) while it was being used near Drake and Buckley Road, according to Pettis County Sheriff Brad Anders.
The operator was able to escape the tractor and attempt to extinguish the fire, but due to wind conditions and dry vegetation, the fire quickly spread.
Monte Fire quickly responded to the scene, but a residence on Drake Road was already partially engulfed.
“The residence was occupied, but thanks to excellent communication between citizens on scene, our joint communications, fire, and deputies, Deputy Kameryn Wassam was able to alert the residents and get them out safely,” Anders said in a Facebook post.
Their house was soon fully engulfed and is a total loss. In addition, several acres of farmland (estimated to be approximately 30 acres) was destroyed as the fire spread.
Additional fire support was provided by Johnson County Fire and Sedalia Fire Department, who together were able to work with crews present to contain the fire before more damage could be done.
“I am exceptionally proud of Deputy Wassam and every one of our local and neighboring fire personnel. This was such a dangerous situation but thanks to their quick action no lives were lost. Special thanks to EMA Director Trish Rooda for her response and coordination with the American Red Cross and PCAD for their patience and presence. Also, Joint Communications, who navigated all of this.
“Please keep this family who lost their home in your thoughts and prayers. This includes a 73-year-old male and his 93-year-old mother. They have lost all of their possessions with no insurance. I know this community will band together to support them beyond what is currently being provided by the Red Cross,” Anders concluded.
According to Kenny Johnson, “On behalf of the Pettis County Fire District, we would like to thank our Mutual Aid Agencies that assisted with the fire. They include Sedalia Fire Department, West Central Fire-SweetSprings, Knob Noster Fire, Johnson County Fire, PettisCounty Sheriffs Office, and Pettis County Ambulance District (PCAD).
According to Sedalia Fire Matt Irwin, SFD was requested for mutual aid at 16131 Drake Road for a structure fire and grass fire.

“SFD responded with an Engine and Brush Unit. Due to the large amount of smoke caused by the fires, the Sedalia Police Department Drone Unit was requested to help locate fire extension and determine where we needed to be to stop the fire spread, as you could not see through all the smoke. They helped us see and direct crews to where they needed to be. I appreciate everyone that was out there and to your deputies for his bravery and helping keep the area secure for us,” Chief Iriwn said in a Facebook post.
“I would like to personally thank the SPD for their assistance and how proud I am of not only our crews but the crews from the multiple agencies that came to help. I do not know all of them but I do know that Pettis County Fire, La Monte, Johnson County, West County Fire, Sedalia Police, Pettis County Sheriff, Pettis County Ambulance, and Pettis County Joint Communications were all active participants. No injuries were reported,” Chief Irwin said.
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