Kevin Bacon has a new movie coming out this month called Cop Car (a film directed by Jon Watts, the man behind the upcoming Spider-Man movie). To promote that movie, Bacon filmed a new PSA calling for more male nudity in films. And, just in case you think there’s not much room for male nudity in PG-13 superhero movies, Bacon has a solution for that and he’s calling out Marvel.

In a perfect world, we could share this video with you using only the headline above, which, when presented out of context, is almost too bizarre to wrap your head around. But, we’ll give you a little backstory. Bacon filmed this mock-PSA for Mashable playing off the recent buzz that shows like Game of Thrones favor frequent and salacious female nudity while male nudity is just as frequently covered up. It’s a very real and legitimate issue (we took issue with it here), but Bacon used it to get a few well-earned laughs. Here’s what he has to the Game of Thrones producers on the subject:

Let me be on the show! Come on! I’ll play a naked wizard or something. I’ve done it before. Have you seen Wild Things? I was super naked in that. It was awesome. Matt Dillon was there. He saw my weiner.

He’s also upset that the otherwise sexual Fifty Shades of Grey featured no male nudity saying, “Let me play Christian Grey! We’ll do the whole movie in one long close up of my penis.”

And, then we get to the teased Marvel quote. Bacon tells Marvel he has an idea for a new superhero, and you can probably guess where this is going. You can watch the video above to see the whole thing play out.

Cop Car opens in theaters this Friday and On Demand and Digital HD on August 14.

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