The only new business discussed at the May 9 meeting of the Sedalia Park Board was the printing of the Sedalia Parks & Recs program guide for the upcoming year, including fall/winter 2024 and spring/summer 2025.

The spring/summer 2024 edition was 32 pages and included a complete listing of a variety of special events, programs, aquatics, fitness, youth sports, adult sports, e-sports and many other activities. It also profiles staff members and lists current Park Board members.

The program also includes operating hours for the Heckart Center and a letter from Parks & Rec Director Amy Epple.

We spoke with Epple following the 20-minute meeting last Thursday night.



“The bid was for $12,125 for two activity guides that we put out twice a year. It goes out to everyone who has a 65301 or 65302 zip code. And we also have about 5,000 copies here at the Community Center for people to pick up, and we also drop off copies at hotels and businesses around town as well,” Epple said.

The Parks & Rec Director also noted that ads in the activity guide were sold to pay for the printing costs.

A goal was set and it was met “in no time so as taxpayers, we're really not paying anything. We have the revenue coming in for ad space,” Epple said.


QUIZ: Can You Identify the Iconic '80s Film From Just a Single Freeze-Frame?

Embark on a journey through '80s nostalgia with kids (and aliens) on bikes, and teens dodging principles (and responsibilities). We've put the proverbial pause on some of the decade's most iconic flicks, and now it's your mission to name them all.

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz