So, last evening, I had to make a Walmart run. I needed topical ointment for a backache, American cheese, soda, pizza, ice cream, and liquor—all the essentials. I also learned a new piece of information—at least, it is new to me. I say new to me because the knowledge has been out there for a few years; I didn't know.

Since I was buying liquor, I decided to go to a checker. The checker asked me to put the liquor at the back of the order since he needed someone over 21 to scan it into the register and complete the transaction.

While completing my checkout, a friendly Walmart employee who was over 21 and could scan my bottle of Captain Morgan shared a fascinating Walmart insight. She told me to always look for the blue badges because they were "the adults."

Until tonight, I had no idea that Walmart's badges were color-coded to show whether an employee was a minor or an adult. An article in Daily Dot says Walmart's blue badges are given to employees 18 and older, while employees 16 - 18 wear a yellow badge. The US Daily Sun also elaborated that CSMs and SCO Hosts also get the yellow badge, an exception to the minor notation.

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The Sun also quoted a Redditt user who said yellow-badged employees couldn't scan liquor and were limited from working in some store areas.

So yes, if you're looking at buying liquor or any other item, you must be of age to purchase. Take my Walmart checker's tip: look for the blue badge.

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