Talking Trash Literally, Warrensburg Six Weeks Away From New Service
When Heartland Waste sold its business to Repbublic Services, the latter's difficulty, post-pandemic, taking over Heartland's residential customers in Warrensburg stirred up a hornet's nest among residents. One that got stirred up again after the City responded to residents' complaints by hiring a company to provide citywide trash services for residents starting March 1, 2025. Now that we're six weeks away from the new service starting, the City is doing its best to be transparent about the new service, the charges, and what residents need to know.
On Facebook, the City reminds residents that the new service starts on March 1. The base cost for solid waste, recycling, and bulk pickup will be $31, and this charge will appear on residents' sewer bills, with a test bill added to February's sewer bill.
Additionally, the City of Warrensburg says that if you live in or own a rental unit and believe you need a separate sewer and trash bill because of existing lease arrangements, reside in or own a four-plex that is currently served by a dumpster and want to inquire about a four-plex waiver, or are a business or industrial/commercial customer and the solid waste charge shows up on your bill, you should contact the City of Warrensburg solid waste staff at solidwaste@warrensburg-mo.com or call them at 660-262-4700.
Constable Sanitation's website has information about taking over Warrensburg's garbage service. Their service will start on Monday, March 3, 2025. Between the middle and end of February, each address will receive one 96-gallon trash cart and one 96-gallon recycling cart from Constable Sanitation. Residents don't need to contact the City or Constable Sanitation to schedule delivery.
Residents will be allowed one large bulk item pickup on the third pick-up day of every month. You can look at this map to see what day your area will have its garbage picked up.
Constable Sanitation says its 96-gallon containers will hold six bags of garbage, and residents are allowed two other bags of trash per week. All garbage must be in trash bags and sealed before being placed in the cart. To keep Warrensburg clean, they ask that any extra bags of garbage be put out the morning of trash pickup to prevent animals from opening the bags and going through the garbage.
Constable Sanitation's website provides detailed information on recycling, bulk pick-up services, yard waste, holiday pickup schedules, and more.
The City of Warrensburg says Republic Services intends to end service by February 28, 2025 and will collect their bins on your last pick-up day.
As a Warrensburg resident, I applaud the City for taking the lead, contracting with a company for the service, bringing back recycling, and making bulk pick-up services easier for residents. Additionally, Republic Services customers' bills should decrease slightly.
I sympathize with those who did the legwork to find smaller companies, got some affordable deals, and may see their rates increase. However, based on the number of Republic Service trash carts I see, that's not most residents. In response to a question on the City's Facebook page, the City says there is currently no opt-out provision that will let residents use a different provider.
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