I Dreamed that Salvador Perez was Traded by the Kansas City Royals
It's amazing how our brains keep on working when our bodies are trying to rest at night. Last night was no exception for my after-hours cerebral activity.
First off, congratulations to the St. Louis Cardinals and Cardinals' nation. The Cards came into Kauffman Stadium whooped up on the Kansas City Royals. It looked like a varsity-jr. varsity game. With two more games in St. Louis, it is hoped that KC can pull their stuff together and exit Busch Stadium with at least one win or even two wins to salvage the 2017 I-70 four-game series.
Now on to the dream thing. I know that Perez is on the injured reserve list. The last I saw it was a 10-game hiatus from any action to give him time to heal his rib cage area. Maybe along with watching the Royals being embarrassed for two games and knowing that other players on the team will be free agents at the end of the season, this wild nighttime activity took place in my noggin.
I know that Perez signed a contract a few years back to secure his role behind the plate; however, I'm wondering what if?
The Royals went out and secured players before the trade deadline in hopes of being in the hunt for at least a wild card spot come playoff time. There were rumblings of KC selling off pieces of the team earlier in the season when they really stunk up the place, then they turned things around in July and really looked like they might make a run for the playoffs again this year.
After the last two games, I'm wondering if it's the beginning of the end for the Royals. I hope not.