How We Know Its Spring Time In West Central Missouri.
It is now officially Spring. Winter is no more. Lets hope we don't see anymore snow, or cold temperatures. I was getting tired of running my heater, and having my place's electric bill being higher than I had hoped. I realize we will have another rain storm this week, and then the temperatures should begin to rise a bit. This will be my first Spring/Summer in Missouri in over 4 years.
I recently asked our listeners what signals Spring in West Central Missouri. So I thought it would be nice to share the answers
Maybelle Koeller - The Sedalia DARE fundraising car show. I am always impressed with car shows. Some of the vehicle are just amazing.
Lorissa Leigh Gerke - Robins showing up. I have heard a lot more bird chirping when I leave for work early in the morning.
Heather Rogers - Kehde's BBQ sign count down to Spring. They do have pretty good food. And since I drive past the sign twice a day, it is nice to see.
Sue-Ann Montgomery-Arnett - Road ditch daffodils. Holly Richardson agrees with this idea.
I asked my co-workers who have been here for a while and got a few more responses:
Aubrey - Lots of planters will be seen, more people walking their dogs, the decorating of the front porches of people's home. Fishing season.
Craig - Traffic will be heavier on 65. Limit Ave. Luckily I do not live too far from work, and I get to work earlier than most.
Mike - Flowers in bloom. The St Patrick's weekend festivities in downtown.
In my experience, I suspect I will see more bees pollinating the flowers that will slowly begin to bloom. And just seeing more people being outside. I hope I will take advantage and do a bit more walking.
What other signs of Spring can you share?
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