How to Stay Safe from the Coronavirus While Trick or Treating
If you're heading out trick or treating this year, and it seems many will be. The Pettis County Health Center has released some suggestions on how to trick or treat safely whether you're getting the treats or giving out the treats.
For those giving out treats. Avoid direct contact with trick or treaters. Distribute treats outdoors if possible. Set up a station for kids to pick up individually wrapped treats without you needing to put them in the kids' bags. And wash your hands before handling or distributing treats.
For those going out trick or treating. Make your cloth mask part of your costume. And don't double up with a cloth mask over your nose and mouth and a costume mask on top of that. That can cause breathing issues for some people. Additionally, don't skip wearing a cloth mask in favor of a costume mask. In many cases those masks won't keep others safe from coronavirus if you're infected. Additionally bring hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol and use it after touching objects or other people.
Additionally the Pettis County Health Center is providing the following reminder to all about COVID-19 and the Pettis County face covering rule:
There has been no court ruling to overturn the rule. As our case numbers continue to climb as well as our hospitalizations, wearing a face covering is a way to demonstrate that you care about those you meet and support life for everyone. There is no way of knowing for certain who will become seriously ill or die because of the coronavirus. The youngest currently hospitalized patient is 19.
You can find the entire report from the Pettis County Health Center and the Pettis County COVID-19 task force here. It is usually updated and available every Monday afternoon and you can find it at this website.