Former SFCC Head Coach Bill Barton Elected to the Region 16 Hall of Fame
According to the SFCC Athletic Department, former Men's Basketball Head Coach Bill Barton has been elected to the Region 16 Hall of Fame. During his tenure at SFCC, Barton recorded over 600 wins as head coach. Barton is no stranger halls of fame. He is in the SFCC Hall of Fame, The Missouri State Sports Hall of Fame and the National Junior College Hall of Fame, and in my opinion, he belongs in even more.
I spent over 20 years on the road with the coach and nobody knows more about the X's and O's of the game than Bill Barton, and certainly nobody did it with more flair. Barton helped with the Smith-Cotton Girls this past season, and one of his favorite sayings to the girls was, "You are playing like a handkerchief." So, during the awards ceremony, the girls all presented him with handkerchiefs. He once told a player, "You couldn't play dead in a cowboy movie."
I have lots of other sayings I learned from Billy, but I'm saving them for my book. But my favorite is and always will be "Denver Play Some Confederate." You had to be there. Young coaches could learn A LOT if they would listen to "THE COACH." Congratulations Coach!