Enquiring Minds: Speaking Up [SURVEY]
I can't really say that I'm an expert in the ways of romance. I have been with Boyfriendo for a while now, and so far it's pretty good. We get along - and we get along with each other's friends and families. I know not everyone has that, though. In fact, I got an email from a listener who we'll call "Tim". He wanted to ask about the relations between family and significant others. Here's the gist: Tim's older brother has been dating his girlfriend since college . . . they've been together eight years, and he said recently that he's going to propose.
Tim says:
I acted happy at first, but I actually don't think it's the right idea. She criticizes him all the time, acts overly sensitive about everything, and is a huge worrier. Should I tell my brother how I feel? Is it my place to tell him not to propose?
If you didn't like a boyfriend or girlfriend of someone very close to you, would it bother you that they got engaged? Would you ever say something about it? Or is it not your place? If a close friend or relative was in a bad relationship, would you speak up? If the situation was reversed...would you want your friends and family to tell you? Tell me what you think and we'll share your answers on the air while you get points to win prizes.
Relationshiply yours,