County Distributing is working with a motivational speaker, Sarah Panzau Evans, to encourage young people and adults to be safe and responsible when it comes to drinking and driving.  Kathy Beykirch and all the folks at County Distributing are proud to bring Sarah's message to the people of Pettis County.   Why did they ask Sarah to comes speak to kids at Sacred Heart and Smithton?  Have a look at some of her story.

On August 23, 2003 I was in a near fatal car accident which changed my life forever.  On the road, I was clinically dead and was given a 0% chance of survivability. I did not have a blood pressure or a pulse and was no longer bleeding.  But after near 40 surgeries, I am here to tell my story.   It was a miracle that I survived the accident.  I was out with my friends (the people I thought really cared about me.)  These so called friends let me get into my car with a blood alcohol level of 0.308. That is almost 4 times the legal limit in the state of Illinois. My life has totally changed and I have started public speaking to teens and young adults about drinking and driving, making good decisions, what is important in life, and the importance of parents and family.  It is a presentation of courage, determination, and the celebration, that emphasizes making the right choices in life.  I am speaking to area junior high and high school students concerning underage drinking.

I got to talk with Sarah and Kathy about the talks, and about how you can find out more information for yourself about prevention of drunk driving and underage drinking.

So if your kids come home in the next couple of days talking about their new friend Sarah, you'll know why!  Her remarkable story is an inspiration to us all.  We all want to make sure our kids understand that they don't have to drink - and we want adults to remember to drink responsibly and always get a designated driver or a taxi.  Make sure you check out Sarah's website for more about her story and her future in speaking up to keep people safe and making good decisions.

Stay safe out there,


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