Clippert Announces Resignation From Sedalia-Pettis County Emergency Management Agency
After more than nine years in the position, the director of the Sedalia-Pettis County Emergency Management Agency has announced his resignation. Dave Clippert says that he will be relocating to Iowa in May. His resignation is effective on May 17, 2017.
Press release from Dave Clippert, Sedalia-Pettis County Emergency Management Agency Director
Today after 9 years and 3 months I submitted my resignation as the Sedalia-Pettis County Emergency Management Agency Director to the Pettis County Commission and the Mayor of the City of Sedalia. My resignation is effective 17 May 2017.
It has been my pleasure to serve the citizens of Pettis County during this time. Sedalia became my adopted home town after the US Air Force brought me to Whiteman AFB in 1993. In 1997 I retired after a 20 year career with the USAF. This fantastic community became a place that I love. The spirit of community is found in all corners of Pettis County and that is what makes this a wonderful place to work and most importantly a place that can be called home, where you can raise a family and create a life.
As many of you know I have been in a long distance relationship for 4 years. My wife Renee and I were married in December and after many discussions we decided that it was time to start this new chapter in our lives. I will be moving to Des Moines next month. It is a little bittersweet as I will be leaving a place I’ve come to love.
There are so many people to thank for my time here, but I want to mention a few organizations that have done so much for me. Sedalia 200, educated my daughter, great teachers who helped to mold her into the wonderful young lady she has become today. First United Methodist Church, you showed me light in times when it was dark and gave me faith in our Lord. My fellow Sedalia Lions Club members, what a great club that supports the community and made it fun while we did it! Child Safe of Central Missouri, Sedalia Girls Softball and the Sedalia-Pettis County United Way. I was fortunate enough to serve on the Board of Directors on these organizations and saw people who were dedicated to serving. I thank all of you for the lessons I have learned about caring.
I know many already know this, but the first responder community in Pettis County are truly the best of the best. To the Sedalia Fire Department, Sedalia Police Department, Pettis County Sheriff’s Office, Pettis County Fire Department, La Monte, Smithton, Green Ridge and Hughesville Fire Departments, La Monte, Green Ridge and Smithton Police Departments and the Missouri State Highway Patrol what an honor it has been work with you. The fact that so many of you are willing to place your lives on the line each and every day to protect this community really leaves me without words except to say thank you!
I want to tell you how proud I am of the Pettis County Ambulance District. After the recent events, lesser organizations would struggle to continue at a high level of service. The Paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians did not falter and continued to
provide life-saving medical services to those in need. I know that you are left in good hands and will continue to perform at the very high level you expect of each other.
I also would be remiss if I did not mention Trish Gibbons. Trish, you did so much for McKenna! I thank you for the Blessing that you are to my family!
Last but certainly not least, the volunteers of the Sedalia-Pettis County Emergency Management Agency Volunteers. This group of amazing people went were asked to go out in all kinds of weather during all hours to help provide us vital information about incoming storms. Thank you to each and every one of you. Your selfless service is something I will always remember.
This really is not a good-bye as I will be back and will always have such great memories of my time here. Thank you and God Bless all of you.