Clean the Burg September 6 & 7
Love What's Local, a collaborative campaign between Warrensburg Main Street, Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce and the city want you to clean the burg Friday September 6 and Saturday September 7.
Love What's Local is encouraging local groups or individual residents and families to participate in helping make Warrensburg a little more beautiful by organizing and then executing a project that will help make the city more beautiful.
According to the Love What's Local blog page on WarrensburgMainStreet.com here's what Clean the Burg is about:
Clean the Burg is intended to encourage civic, religious, employee and neighborhood groups to show their community a little love by organizing and completing a volunteer clean up opportunity. All groups are invited to participate, regardless of location and affiliation.
This two day event is aimed at community volunteerism and beautifying our town. Residents, families, community groups, businesses, churches and teenagers who need to perform service hours can come up with projects and implement them on September 6th & 7th.
Life-long resident and LWL advocate Carly Joyner commented, “I’m so excited to see organizations working together with the common goal to motivate residents to invest in our community.”
If you have questions about Love What's Local or Clean the Burg contact Jill Purvis with Warrensburg Main Street at 660-429-3988 or Suzanne Taylor with the Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce at 660-747-3168.
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