Chris Pratt Brings His Raptor Training Skills to a Children’s Hospital
Chris Pratt, now potentially Hollywood’s biggest star after Jurassic World became the fastest film ever to gross $400 million, has a history of making kids happy. Earlier this year, he and fellow Marvel-ite Chris Evans appeared, in character as Star-Lord and Captain America, at children’s hospitals in Boston and Seattle delivering toys and cheering up kids and parents alike. Hot off the success of Jurassic World, Pratt was back at it again this weekend, visiting Our Lady of the Lake Children's Hospital in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and while there he showed off some of his raptor training skills he’s becoming well-known for.
Pratt, who is in town filming The Magnificent Seven with Denzel Washington and Ethan Hawke, stopped by the hospital to hang out with the kids, bring some Jurassic World toys and spread some cheer. Said the hospital in a Facebook post:
Actor Chris Pratt, best known for Jurassic World and Guardians of the Galaxy, took time out from filming his latest movie to visit with our #AmazingKids at Our Lady of the Lake Children's Hospital. Our patients were all smiles and we are so thankful to Chris for lifting their spirits by visiting and handing out Jurassic World goodies. Thanks to Children's Miracle Network Hospitals for coordinating such a special visit!
Pratt is no stranger to pediatric intensive care. He and his wife Anna Faris, spent time in a children’s hospital following the birth of their son, Jack. Said Pratt at a recent March of Dimes event:
He was three pounds, 12 ounces. Anna got to hold him for a moment and then it was off to the NICU — the neonatal intensive care unit. Three pounds, 12 ounces. That's a decent size bass. Very small for a human. He would need a lot. He had jaundice, so they put a blindfold on him and he slept beneath [a] creepy light and he had a PICC line, which is an IV that runs up his arm into his heart. He had a feeding tube and just wires in and out, and he lived in that incubator. That was his first crib.
Jack is now a happy, healthy two-year-old.
There may come a day when the internet gets tired of Chris Pratt and a backlash begins, but that day is not now. He continues to be great in movies, be great in person and do awesome things for kids. And, that’s about all we can ask from our celebrities.
If you’d like to give to Our Lady of the Lake, you can do so here at their online donations page.
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