
Elites Hiding in a Survival Condo in Kansas City, Missouri Area?
Elites Hiding in a Survival Condo in Kansas City, Missouri Area?
Elites Hiding in a Survival Condo in Kansas City, Missouri Area?
If you're paranoid about the upcoming total solar eclipse and the world situation in general, you might want to look the other way. I've come across evidence that elites are hiding in a survival condo in the Kansas City, Missouri area, but there are also lots of reasons I wouldn't worry too much if I were you.
Classified Tunnels Hidden Under Missouri Have Sinister Purposes?
Classified Tunnels Hidden Under Missouri Have Sinister Purposes?
Classified Tunnels Hidden Under Missouri Have Sinister Purposes?
It's not breaking news that there are underground tunnels in Missouri. I have truck drivers in my family and friend circle that have delivered cargo there. But, there are apparently tunnels the public does not have access to and new theories claim they have sinister purposes. Let's see if there's any provable truth hiding behind those theories.

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